Monday, January 12, 2009

Follow Me on My Journey to My Weight Loss Goal (Second Weigh In)

Week Two: 170.5 lbs.

Wow in just one week I lost exactly a pound. I am so proud of myself. What I remember that was told to me is that if you at least loose a pound per week then it will be a lot harder to to put it back on. For the whole week I just portioned my foods and walked the extra steps to get where I am going. I had one 20 oz Pepsi and junk one day during the week (yes I have a cheat day). I believe that you shouldn't take everything out because later down the road you are going to want it so badly that you will pig out on it.

Starting tomorrow I will be working on sit-ups and keeping up what I did last week. I am slowly working on fitting a healthy routine in tight and busy schedule. My family is routing for me and they know that I can do it. Sorry no pictures this week. I thought I would take them every other week to see if you can see the difference that way.

Wish me luck for next week and hope I take off a little more weight.

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